Making Cities Resilient:
My City is Getting Ready
Sign up to make your City Resilient
4,360 citiesare getting ready, what about yours?
4,360 citiesare getting ready, what about yours?

Note: The Making Cities Resilient Campaign has come to its closure and is now succeeded by the new initiative "Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030)".  All cities or local governments and entities interested in making cities resilient are invited to join the MCR2030. Please visit MCR2030 website for more information.


Who? Why?
The Making Cities Resilient Campaign aims at getting Mayors, local governments and national authorities to take actions towards making cities resilient as part of sustainable urbanization. All cities or local governments that are interested in participating in the campaign are invited to sign up as Participants. As the closest institutional level to citizens, local governments’ participation and leadership play a vital role to any commitments to disaster risk reduction through successfully integrating them to urban developing process. 
