Making Cities Resilient:
My City is Getting Ready
Resilient Cities Webinars

WEBINARS 29 May - 1 June 2012

WEBINAR 1: 29 May 2012
Enabling risk reduction through urban planning (Network Recording Player) Total Recording 1 hour 03 minutes
Enabling risk reduction through urban planning (Windows Media Player / McIntosh Quick Time)
  • Starting: 00:00:00 - 02 minutes - Introduction - Dr. Wim Bakens, CIB, The Netherlands
  • Starting: 00:04:02 - 23 minutes - Dr Cassidy Johnson, University College London, UK - Planning regulations and its impacts on DRR in the formal and in formal city: reflections from five urban case studies
  • Starting: 00:28:42 - 10 minutes - Ms Susan Houston, New Zealand Planning Institute, New Zealand - Preliminary results of a survey on resilience planning across the Commonwealth
  • Starting: 00:39:50 - 24 minutes - Q & A
WEBINAR 1: 06 June 2012 (part 2) Total Recording 1 hour 04 minutes
Enabling risk reduction through urban Planning - Part 2 (Play)
Enabling risk reduction through urban Planning - Part 2 (Download)
Enabling risk reduction through urban planning - Part 2 (Windows Media Player / McIntosh Quick Time)
  • Starting: 00:00:00 - 20 minutes - Professor Murat Balamir, Middle East Technical University, Turkey - The challenges of coupling land use planning and disaster risk
  • Starting: 00:22:10 - 13 minutes - Dr Fatma El Mallah, League of Arab States on Climate Change, Egypt - Building the resilience of Arab cities: the challenges and the opportunities
  • Starting: 00:35:59 - 16 minutes - Discussion
WEBINAR 2: 30 May 2012
Engaging multiple stakeholders in DRR for cities (Network Recording Player) Total Recording 1 hour 47 minutes
Engaging multiple stakeholders in DRR for cities (Windows Media Player / McIntosh Quick Time)
  • Starting: 00:00:00 - 02 minutes - Introduction - Dr. Wim Bakens, CIB, The Netherlands
  • Starting: 00:04:31 - 17 minutes - Dr Lee Bosher, Loughborough University, England - Making cities resilient - A top down multi-stakeholder approach from the United Kingdom
  • Starting: 00:23:57 - 19 minutes - Dr Marla Petal, Save the Children, Australia - Disaster-resilient construction: involving decision-makers from the bottom-up
  • Starting: 00:44:06 - 18 minutes - Mr Daniel Homsey, Director of Strategic Initiatives for the City
  • Administrator’s Office, City Of San Francisco, USA - The Empowered Communities Program - Building Stronger Neighborhoods, One Decision at a Time
  • Starting: 01:03:45 - 15 minutes - Professor Rohit Jigyasu, Research Center for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University, Japan - Reducing risks to Urban Cultural Heritage through engagement of multiple stakeholders
  • Starting: 01:19:48 - 28 minutes - Q & A
WEBINAR 3: 31 May 2012
Necesidades y expectativas de los abitants en el proceso de reconstruccion (Network Recording Player) Total Recording 1 hour 34 minutes
Necesidades y expectativas de los abitants en el proceso de reconstruccion (Windows Media Player / McIntosh Quick Time)
  • Starting: 00:09:00 - 05 minutes - Introduccion - Helena Molin Valdés, UNDRR, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Starting: 00:06:31 - 22 minutes - Profesor Gonzalo Lizarralde, Université de Montréal, Canada - Estrategias y alternativas basadas en las libertades individuales de los habitantes
  • Starting: 00:31:28 - 15 minutes - Professor Alfonso Solano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia - Regresando al habitat Original, Cupica, Choco, Colombia
  • Starting: 00:47:44 - 15 minutes - Mr Jaime Soto, Swiss Association Territoires Solidaires - Desde el Valle del Itata en Chile, aprendiendo a re-construirnos y construir resiliencia
  • Starting: 01:05:37 - 14 minutes - Mr Luis Hernandez, Director General Municipal de Santa Tecla, El Salvador - Santa Tecla, El Salvador: un modelo participativo de la reconstrucion, transformando el desarrollo local
  • Starting: 00:19:50 - 12 minutes - Preguntas y repuestas
WEBINAR 4: 1 June 2012
Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (Network Recording Player) Total Recording 1 hour 20 minutes
Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (Windows Media Player / McIntosh Quick Time)
  • Starting: 00:00:42 - 04 minutes - Introduction - Dr. Wim Bakens, CIB, The Netherlands
  • Starting: 00:08:14 - 10 minutes - Ms Andrea Valsagna, Secretary of Communication - Municipality of Santa Fe - Argentina
  • Starting: 00:19:47 - 15 minutes - Dr Ana Liz Flores, President of the Civil and Protection and Environment Institute - Municipality of Chacao - Venezuela
  • Starting: 00:35:31 - 10 minutes - Mr. Greg Pillay, Head Manager of the Disaster Risk Management Centre - City of Cape Town - South Africa
  • Starting: 00:46:35 - 26 minutes - Q & A