Learning from today’s disasters for tomorrow’s hazards
2004 World Disaster Reduction Campaign
Rercursos de educación en linea

Existen muchos recursos educacionales sobre desastres que están disponibles on-line. Haga click en los links para aprender mas!

Escriba a EIRD/ONU para contarnos de otros recursos educacionales/weblinks

Como prevenir incendios forestales? Aprendamos jugando http://www.eird.org/esp/CDMINAE/pizote.exe
Un juego interactivo para aprender como prevenir incendios forestales en centroamerica con Toño Pizote.
Tiempos de Huracanes es una radionovela que narra experiencias relacionadas con inundaciones provocadas por fuertes lluvias y por huracanes, y se desarrollan en comunidades con diversos grados de preparación ante catástrofes, teniendo en cuenta los períodos antes, durante y después del desastre. El objetivo de la radionovela es proporcionar una alternativa diferente al flujo tradicional de la información en comunidades que viven en alto riesgo.

Réplicas en el corazón es la segunda serie de radionovelas que narra experiencias relacionadas con terremotos, deslizamientos y erupciones volcánicas.

Safari’s encounter with a landslide
The story of a young African boy called Safari, who learns about why landslides occur, and what can be done to prevent them.

Safari et les inondations
L’histoire d’un petit garçon Africain qui s’appelle Safari, qui apprend comment prévenir les inondations.
Volcano daily
Booklet on volcanoes published by UN/ISDR for the 2002 World Disaster Reduction Campaign “Disaster reduction for sustainable mountain development”

Volcano daily

Quien es usted Sr. Volcan?
Water and Risk in Africa for schools and community leaders
Booklet in two versions on water-related hazards in the African region, published by UN/ISDR Africa.

Water and Risk in Africa for schools
Water and Risk in Africa

Eau et aléas en Afrique – Guide à l’usage des écoles
Eau et aléas en Afrique – Guide à l’usage des dirigeants communautaires
Children and Disasters
A compilation of a range of children’s materials from the American Red Cross, including curriculum supplements, colouring books, videos and disaster preparedness manuals.
On-line teaching tools and games for kids from the presenters of the Discovery Channel, including a lesson plan for landslides http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/ landslides/landslides.rtf and other hazards.
Emergency Management Australia – Schools
An Australian website that contains generic lesson plans, general resources, images, history, links and information and resources for learning about all aspects of emergency management, including prevention, preparedness, response, recovery and community safety.
Floodplains: What kids need to know! http://www.geo.mtu.edu/department/classes/ge404/jmparke/
Information for kids on floodplains from the Department of Geological/Mining Engineering & Sciences of Michigan Technological University.
International Year of Freshwater
http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=4870&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL _SECTION=201.html
Interested in learning about water and water-related disasters? The official website of the International Year of Freshwater in 2003 has links to kid’s quizzes, games, and educational kits on water in numerous languages.
NASA for Kids
NASA missions collect data about natural hazards such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Using that data, scientists develop or refine their theories about the interactions that create these hazards, explained in easy-to-understand language and through fun kid’s games http://kids.earth.nasa.gov/games

National Geographic website

National Geographic’s website designed especially for kids, with fun and fascinating articles, on-line interactive games and multimedia links http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/index.html like “Weather Wizard” http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngexplorer/0401/games/game.cgi,
“Killer Wave Tsunami” http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/9610/kwave/index.html and “Volcano: Mountain of Fire!” http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/0312/.

NOAA Education
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) education team has compiled a series of weather-related games and interesting information for students of all ages.
Prévention 2000
link to http://www.prevention2000.org/
Le portail éducatif francophone sur les risques naturels.
Red Cross for Youth
A website dedicated for youth from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
The Tech: Museum of Innovation
A site full of information to learn about earthquakes.
Resources for students and teachers on issues relating to children.

US Federal Emergency Management Agency
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) kids website that teaches how to be prepared for disasters and how disaster damage can be prevented. It also includes lessons on what causes disasters, fun games, stories and invites you to become a Disaster Action Kid.

USGS The Learning Web: Earth Hazards
The US Geological Survey presents a number of useful tools to learn about earthquakes, landslides, floods and other earth hazards.