IDPP, GP 2019 Double Robot
10 May 2019
Participants can visit the formal sessions and side events, the Innovate Platform, and the Ignite Stage. Participants will be able to meet and greet between sessions. Based on previous experience, robots have received a lot of attending and it is the best way to communicate key messages.
Word of caution: robots attend the formal sessions, it is preferred that participants keep the robot on the side, or at the back of the rooms, so as to avoid distracting from the panels and presentations. No questions will be taken from robots. This can be done via the remote participation link.
Participants can sign up for slots throughout each day of the conference, at this sign-up genius link.
Those who want to participate will need to download Double ios app for iphone, or connect through the chrome web app at
When the scheduled participant’s time slot comes up, they will be able to access the robot through a link sent to their email.