
So you want to Step Up for Disaster Risk Reduction? Here are a few ideas and suggestions that can help you promote and commemorate the International Day for Disaster Reduction!

The logo

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What can you do?

SUBMIT news, events, stories, images, and videos of outstanding action by women and girls in disaster prevention, recovery and risk reduction or by someone whose accomplishments you wish to spotlight.

  • Showcase what women and girls are doing to contribute to disaster resilience.
  • Organize public events to increase understanding of gender concerns in DRR processes.
  • Lobby national and local governments as well as community leaders and decision makers, academia, and international organizations to 'Step Up'.
  • Mobilize the public at large to demand changes to the socio-cultural/political framework that exacerbates the exclusion of women and their vulnerabilities.
  • Encourage men and boys to get involved.
  • Think Big - Gender equality and risk reduction principles must guide all aspects of disaster mitigation, response and reconstruction.
  • Get The Facts - Gender analysis is needed to direct aid and plan for full and equitable recovery. Nothing in disaster work is "gender neutral."
  • Work With Women - Women's community organizations have insight, information, experience, networks, and resources vital to increasing disaster resilience.
  • Resist Stereotypes - Base all initiatives on knowledge of difference and specific cultural, economic, political, and sexual contexts, not on false generalities.
  • Respect and develop the capacities of women and girls.

The Flyer

Flyer for IDDR 2012

Email, download, print, tape, glue, staple and/or share the IDDR 2012 flyer! Here are our language versions we have so far.

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