Opening Ceremony Ticket System

14 May 2019
We would like to share some organisational details regarding the Opening Ceremony, which will take place on Wednesday, May 15 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM.

There are three versions of tickets for the Opening Ceremony, which are colour-coded (blue, pink and yellow). The colours are assigned to different entrances to and seating areas within Room 1.

Yellow tickets:

Official delegations have been given a certain number of yellow tickets. If you have a yellow ticket (main auditorium), please use the entrance to Room 1 on the 1st floor of CICG. To get there, take the escalator from the ground floor (floor 0) up to floor 1. Please note that each delegation has been given 2 seats ONLY in the official allocated seating area at the front of the main auditorium. Holders of additional yellow tickets may find a seat in the free seating area further back.

Observer organisations (IGO, development banks etc): please collect your yellow ticket from the Help Desk at the CICG before the Opening Ceremony.

Blue tickets:

If you have a blue ticket (assigned to seats for government representatives in the left balcony/gallery), please use the left entrance on the 3rd floor. To get there, from the CICG main entrance, continue straight ahead towards the back of the building (past the Ignite Stage and the bar- which are on your right). You will see elevators, which you can use to get to the 3rd floor. The door to the balcony will be on your left.

Pink tickets:

If you have a pink ticket (assigned to stakeholder representatives in right balcony/gallery), please use the right entrance on the 3rd floor. To get there, walk past the escalator on the ground floor (floor 0) and continue walking straight ahead. You will see a small flight of broad stairs, which you can walk up. Turn to the right and then, if you continue straight ahead, you will see the elevators. When you leave the elevator on the 3rd floor, the door to the balcony is on your right.

There will be staff onsite with coloured signs to assist you in finding the right entrance, please do not hesitate to ask them for assistance.

Other participants:

You will be able to follow the proceedings from the overflow rooms (Room 2,3 and 4).