Risk Information and Loss Databases for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction

24 May 2017
16:15 - 17:45
Arena F view map
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
Julio Serje (serje@un.org)
Sylvain Ponserre (ponserre@un.org)
Participation: Public
Accessible: Yes
Primary floor language: English
Interpretation: Yes [FR, ES]
ISL Interpretation: Yes
Live Broadcast: No
Remote Participation: Yes

Recognizing the importance of risk knowledge in informing policies and practices for effective disaster risk management, the Sendai Framework adopted ‘Understanding disaster risk’ as its first priority for action. Disaster loss data is an essential part of the knowledge required to conduct these risk assessments, and can be critical in providing a baseline for the calibration and validation of results using verifiable information.

The working session will discuss the development and improvement of national disaster loss databases as crucial instruments to produce and operationalize risk information to support policy making and risk governance, and as the basic mechanism for reporting on the Sendai Framework targets. In particular, the session will discuss the challenges of systematic data collection and accessibility, the need for improvement of the quality and coverage of loss data through institutionalization, capacity building, and appropriate methodologies, and the challenges (and rewards) of disaggregation by geography, sex, age, income and disability.


Risk Information and Loss Databases for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction