ACP Forum

25 May 2017
13:00 - 15:00
Arena F view map
Sarah Houghton (
Participation: Public
Accessible: Yes
Primary floor language: English
Interpretation: Yes [EN, FR, ES]
ISL Interpretation: No
Live Broadcast: No
Remote Participation: No

The Intra-ACP Forum will review the progress of disaster risk reduction implementation (funded
from the 10th European Development Fund) in the three African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP)
Group of States’ regions and provide a platform for intra-regional sharing of good practices
and experiences. The specific objectives of the forum are to: highlight progress and share good
practices and lessons learned in the implementation of DRR programmes in the three regions;
outline the key challenges faced in the three regions and propose relevant recommendations;
and contribute key messages to the outcome of the 2017 Global Platform.