Strengthening local resilience and national policy by integrating animal protection
- Organizer(s)
- World Animal Protection and National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED).
- Contact
- Sofia Caligaris (
Accessible: Yes
Interpretation: No
ISL Interpretation: No
Remote Participation: No
In cooperation with the Government of
Mexico, World Animal Protection will share
examples in different regions of how including
the protection of livelihoods, mainly livestock
and farm animals, among national policies
can reduce disaster risk and improve resilience
to climate change in the most vulnerable
communities. The session will showcase
Mexico´s experience, and its leading efforts
in ensuring that the livelihoods of the poorest
sectors are safeguarded, by implementing a
policy group for animal protection. Also, in
India and Costa Rica, the respective disaster
management authorities have integrated
animal welfare within their national policies
and enhanced the participation of new actors
such as the Ministries of Agriculture within the
disaster risk processes.