From Managing Disasters to Managing Risks: The Power of forecast-based action, index insurance and multi-year recovery finance

26 May 2017
16:00 - 16:45
Expo 1 view map
World Food Programme; African Risk Capacity (ARC); Oxfam; German Red Cross; IFRC, The START Network
Giorgia Pergolini (
Participation: Public
Accessible: Yes
Primary floor language: English
Interpretation: No
ISL Interpretation: No
Live Broadcast: No
Remote Participation: No

Disaster risks are a leading cause of hunger and malnutrition, affecting the economic and physical access, availability and stability of food supplies. Without better management of these risks, millions of food insecure and vulnerable people affected by frequent and intense natural hazards cannot build their resilience to become food secure.

This side event will outline the role of Innovative Humanitarian Risk Financing mechanisms that include forecast-based action, index insurance, and multi-year recovery programmes in (i) strengthening resilience of vulnerable people before, during and after a climate disaster occurs, and (ii) contribute to the paradigm shift from managing disasters to managing risks.