Children and Young People Commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction

During this year's Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, three young people told more than 2600 representatives from governments, the private sector and civil society WHY and HOW children can be involved in reducing disaster risk, and keeping themselves and their communities safe.

16-year old Andre and 14-year old Tricia, from the Philippines, and 17-year old Johnson from Kenya, were selected to participate in the Global Platform by their communities because of their keen interest in disaster risk reduction. Before a house packed with government and community leaders from around the world, they put the interests of children and young people on the agenda at the largest Global Platform ever held.

They also launched a five-point Children's Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The Charter highlights 5 priorities identified through consultations with more than 600 children in 21 countries. Education, child protection and access to basic information were the main issues the children believed necessary to reduce the impact of disasters and climate change on their families and communities.

The 5 priorities in the Children's Charter for DRR are:

Download the Children's Charter

Why Step Up for Disaster Risk Reduction?

... To let the world know that children and young people are partners in reducing disaster risk.

... To promote more partnerships with children and young people in disaster risk reduction

... To connect and build bridges and understanding among children and young people