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International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning

About the PPEW
In brief -Aims and background - Work Program - Sponsorship -
Advisory mechanisms - Organizational features - Personnel - Finding the PPEW

Advisory mechanisms

The Platform is a small unit whose work aims are very dependent on the cooperation and collaboration – and hence views and expertise - of many people and organizations concerned with early warning issues. It is also guided by a number of specific mechanisms.

Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction
The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) is the primary international organ for coordinating policy and action on disaster reduction, and it was instrumental in the establishment of the platform. Its membership encompasses most of the major international organizations concerned with early warning, as well as regional and civil society organizations with interest or expertise in the field. The work of the platform is routinely reported in the Secretariat’s reports to the Task Force and considered in IATF deliberations.

The Second International Conference on Early warning (EWC-II) provides a rich and comprehensive base of information and recommendations that were intended to guide the work of the Platform.

Ad-hoc Workshop on Platform
The Workshop on Plans for ISDR Early Warning Platform and Program, Bonn, 12-13 February, 2004, provided specific guidance on priorities for 2004-2005 (see meeting report). The participant experts were drawn from the active participants in EWC-II and the IATF Working Group on Early Warning.

Annual project proposal development
The annual project proposal is finalized by the ISDR Secretariat and accepted by the Government of Germany after mutual consultation on priorities for the year. The Secretariat reports to the donor in terms of performance judged against the outputs projected in the work plan.

Advisory body
It is intended to establish an advisory body for the Platform, building on these various mechanisms and developed as appropriate to future work. The advisory body will span both institutional and expertise interests.