Partnerships and Networks

Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction

Global Media Network on Disaster Risk Reduction
Towards a Global partnership of Universities, Academic Institutions and Research Organizations for Disaster Risk Reduction
Local Government Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction

Thematic Cluster / Platform on Knowledge and Education

Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning

Global Media Network on Disaster Risk Reduction

As part of its advocacy and awareness-raising roles, the UN/ISDR secretariat attaches a great importance to increase media contribution to disaster risk reduction. The UN/ISDR secretariat believes that closer working relations between disaster managers/experts and media operatives help conveying disaster risk reduction messages better to communities and policy/decision makers.

In this context, the UN/ISDR secretariat is initiating the process of developing a “Global Media Network for Disaster Risk Reduction” (DRR) to promote a new approach to disaster reporting worldwide; a new approach that reflects and contributes to the ongoing shift of paradigm from disaster response to disaster risk reduction.

To explore ways and means to establish, promote and sustain the proposed Global Media Network for DRR, and to build potential members’ leadership and ownership of the Network, the UN/ISDR secretariat will hold a “preliminary consultative meeting” with a small group of journalists and UN communication/information officers who have demonstrated a strong interest in and support to the initiative.
First Consultative Meeting for Building a
“Global Media Network on Disaster Risk Reduction”
15-16 January 2007
Geneva, Switzerland
Background Documents
Notes for Participants in First Consultative Meeting
Consultative Meeting Information
Building a Global Media Network for Disaster Risk Reduction - Background Paper
List of Participants
For further information, please contact:
Brigitte Leoni