Partnerships and Networks

Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction

Global Media Network on Disaster Risk Reduction
Towards a Global partnership of Universities, Academic Institutions and Research Organizations for Disaster Risk Reduction
Local Government Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction

Thematic Cluster / Platform on Knowledge and Education

Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning

Thematic Cluster / Platform on Knowledge and Education

Today, the world has a wealth of knowledge and information on disaster risk reduction at its disposal; the key is sharing and using this in a pro-active way through awareness-raising and educational initiatives so that people can make informed decisions and take action to best protect themselves, their property and their livelihoods during natural hazards.

Education for disaster risk reduction is an interactive process of mutual learning among people and institutions. It encompasses far more than formal education at schools, universities, and in training courses. It involves the use of traditional wisdom and local knowledge to safeguard against natural hazards as well as the active and informed participation of the mass media.

The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters adopted at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction represents the essential guide for implementation of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction in the coming years and it constitutes an unprecedented conceptual shift that takes account of the complexity of action in disaster risk reduction and the large variety of actors whose inputs are required in the pursuit of this objective.

Knowledge and Education represent one of the Hyogo Framework priorities for action and during the 12th International Strategy for Disaster Reduction’s Inter-Agency Task Force Meeting (IATF/DR) it was agreed that a cluster approach would best combine IATF/DR and partners efforts and achievements on the issue. The work of the cluster has been organized through a phased approach, focusing on identifying the priority themes, sectors and initiatives and critical gaps in relevant areas of the Hyogo Framework.

The cluster is currently formed by the following members based on the actors that provided inputs for the matrix on Commitment and initiatives: ActionAid International, Council of Europe, FAO, IFRC, ITU, ProVention Consortium, UNCRD, UNDP/BCPR, UN/ECE, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNU/EHS, UNV, WMO Regional entities: ADRC, AU, CRED.

The work of the cluster is further enriched by exchanges and feedbacks by a number of national, regional and international actors that have shown an active interest in the subject. Exchanges and forums via e-mail are constantly running..

The cluster, is aiming among other things, at strengthening networking, creating new partnerships, identifying gaps/sharing of members’ priorities; identification of focus areas and collectively advancing the implementation towards concrete results for the benefit of countries in achieving the Hyogo Framework goals though knowledge and education.

Since its first meeting in November 2005, the cluster has commissioned a desk study on knowledge and education and disaster risk reduction, with the aim of identifying good practice that can be replicated and that can be served as a baseline for future impact assessment, especially at country level. The study also aims to identify how good and innovative practice can be scaled up.
Based on this review and on the cluster’s commitment and initiative to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework, a workplan focused on outputs and a strategy to collaborate with interested states will be developed in the near future.


The information provided by the ISDR system on their commitments, initiatives and interests related to the Hyogo Framework see matrix, has communed a number of actors working towards the achievements of disaster risk reduction based on the Hyogo Framework priorities for action.

The IATF/12 has discussed how these interested actors could convey and exchange on their common efforts through some “thematic clusters” (IATF/DR-12/workdoc3).

The task force discussion determined the following core elements on the cluster’s purpose and organisation (Summary report, Decisions and recommendations IATF/12):

  • The added value of the thematic ‘clusters’: information-sharing; networking; creating new partnerships (using synergies); gap identification/sharing of members’ priorities; identification of focus areas and collectively advancing the implementation towards concrete results for the benefit of countries; and mobilisation of resources in support of focus areas.
  • Some guiding principles: provide incentives for participation and contributions; benefit from and build on existing networks and their activities (at international, regional and national levels; agencies, platforms); avoid further layers of bureaucracy; avoid rigid processes, and encourage flexibility to accommodate new developments and evolving priorities; associate States with clusters (provision of resources and conceptual support); encourage inter-cluster coordination to further realize synergies; promote voluntary participation.
  • The generic role of the cluster convenor: ensure that all interested partners with relevant capacities be engaged in the clusters; facilitate reporting of the cluster to the Global Platform and the PAC; facilitate inter-cluster coordination through participation in the MOB; and assume other specific convenor roles to be determined by the clusters themselves.
  • Suggested tasks for the ISDR secretariat: designate staff to provide secretariat support to each cluster and their convenors; lend resource support to the cluster (as possible); and promote its achievements in close collaboration with the cluster leads, and give visibility to the work of the members of the clusters.
  • Clusters outputs: identify gaps and needs; build on the members’ priorities of action and thus address target focus areas; align member plans and activities to advance focus areas, in order to maximize benefits at national level; mobilize resources to address gaps (in focus areas); and consolidate reporting on progress made, at the country level, by each cluster.


The cluster is currently formed by the following members based on the actors that provided inputs for the matrix on Commitment and Initiatives. Please note that the current cluster member’s list might be subject to updates.
Contact persons
UNESCO (Convener): Badaoui Rouhban
ISDR Secretariat: Paola Albrito





ActionAid International

Roger Yates Yasmin Mcdonnell Shashanka Saadi


Etsuko Tsunozaki


Foday Bojang

Council of Europe

Eladio Fernandez-Galiano


Debarati Guha-Sapir


Rene Gommes


Antony Spalton Xavier Castellanos


Simao Campos

ProVention Consortium

Maya Schaerer


Dr. Shoichi Ando


Joanne Burke


Christina Schweininchen


Everett Ressler Heidi Peugeot


Sakulski Janos Bogardi


Ramanathan Balakrishnan


Maryam Golnaraghi


Name e-mail
Ben Wisner bwisner@IGC.ORG

You can find out more on actors initiatives by consulting the matrix on roles and initiatives.

The list of organizations, actors, networks and experts currently associated with the ISDR system thematic cluster on knowledge and education are the below:

The work of the cluster is further enriched by exchanges and feedbacks by a number of national, regional and international actors that have shown an active interest in the subject. Exchanges and forums via e-mail are constantly running. If you wish to be part of this network do not hesitate to get in touch with the ISDR secretariat Focal Point.

Relevant documents and information

HPN Publication
" Standards put to the test Implementing the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crisis and Early Reconstruction"
Number 57 December 2006

Let Our Children Teach Us!
English - French
The ISDR System Thematic Cluster/Platform on Knowledge and Education and its partners are pleased to present "Let Our Children Teach Us! - A review of the Role of Education and Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction. This review, prepared by Professor Ben Wisner, examines good practices to reduce disaster risk through education, knowledge and innovation. It looks critically and strategically at current activities in order to identify gaps, opportunities in the form of synergism and partnerships.

The review addresses activities related to Priority 3 of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters: knowledge management, education and risk awareness. Its purpose it to provide the background and basis for two initiatives: "Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School" a two-year campaign launched by the ISDR secretariat in collaboration with the thematic cluster/platform and the ActionAid schools project: "Disaster Risk Reduction Through Schools".

Hoping that the report will inspire the actors at the national, regional and international level involved in education and disaster risk reduction, we invite you to find out more about initiatives related to: formal education, training courses, informal education and communication, knowledge management and an analysis on gaps and opportunities.

 World Disaster Reduction Campaign

 Disaster risk reduction
 begins at school
Risk RED Report
Risk Reduction Education for Disasters
Spring, 2006
Volume 1, Issue 1
Education for Disaster Risk Reduction & School Protection
Summary challenges and actions based on a larger desk-study for the ISDR System’s cluster on Knowledge and Education for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Ben Wisner


Events related to Education and Disaster Risk Reduction

At the International Disaster Reduction Conference, DAVOS, 27 August-1 September 2006
the thematic cluster/platform will host four side events. To find out more see:

Education and Local Knowledge for Disaster Reduction and Sustainable Development

– Plenary Session (Monday 28/08/2006), Organised by UNESCO/Council of Europe.
Disaster Risk Reduction at the Local Level
– IFRC: plenary session (Monday 28/08/2006), Organised by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;
A platform for COGSS (Coalition for Global School Safety
– Side event (Thursday 31/08/2006) organised by S.A.R.A.I.D. (Search and Rescue Assistance in Disaster);
Exhibition on Educational Materials for Disaster Reduction
– (Monday 28/08/2006), Organised by UNESCO.
II International Congress on Education and Training for Disaster Prevention (Madrid 26-28 September 2006).

The workshop organised by the Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs (Civil Protection) jointly with ISDR secretariat and in collaboration with UNESCO.
The main objectives pursued by the Congress are: To facilitate the exchanges of methods and experiences at every level of training, and of public information as tools for disaster reduction and to promote the sharing of initiatives, the identification of best practices and to promote the cooperation in the areas of education, training and public awareness. To find out more see:
  Conference brochure


Meetings records

5nd ISDR system Interim Organising Committee meeting: Friday 16 March 2007 (Paris)
Brief note
4th ISDR system Interim Organising Committee meeting: Wednesday 31/01/2007 (Geneva)
Brief note
3nd ISDR system Interim Organising Committee meeting: Wednesday 27/09/2006 (Madrid)
  Brief note
4th ISDR system thematic cluster/platform meeting Tuesday 29/08/2006 (Davos)
  Brief note
Participants list
2nd ISDR system Interim Organising Committee meeting: Tuesday 29/08/2006 (Davos)
  Brief note
Working session of the ISDR system thematic cluster/platform: Thursday 31/08/2006 (Davos)
  Brief note

Annexes to the 31/08/2006 cluster/platform working meeting:

1) Brief note of the 3rd thematic cluster/platform meeting
2) Criteria and working modality of the ISDR thematic cluster/platform
3) Why, What, How, and When of the thematic cluster/platform

3nd Thematic cluster meeting - 16 June 2006
Brief note
List of Participants
2nd Thematic cluster meeting - 28 March 2006
  Brief Note
  List of Participants

Education and knowledge: protecting schools & promoting disaster risk awareness to save lives

Early Warning Conference III, Bonn 27 to 29 March 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Background document
PP Presentation: “Prioritizing Schools & Education:Good Intentions But Miles To Go” made by Ben Wisner
PP Presentation: “Incorporation of disaster risk reduction in education curriculum” made by Minister Chowdhury Kamel Ibne Yusuf, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Bangladesh.
List of participants
Brief note
1st Thematic Cluster meeting - 24 November 2005
  Brief note on Cluster meeting: Knowledge and Education
  List of participants
  Matrix Priority for action 3: Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels
  Tentative table of clusters
  VALUE ADDED of the thematic ‘cluster’ approach