La reducción de desastres empieza en la escuela
2006-2007 Campaña Mundial para la Reducción de Desastres
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Día Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres 2006
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El grupo temático del
sistema de la EIRD
sobre conocimiento
y educación ha sido convocado por:

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación,
la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO)

For more information

Brigitte Leoni
Tel: +41 22 917 49 68

Laura Ngo-Fontaine
Tel: +41 22 917 27 89

Palais des Nations
CH 1211 Geneva 10,
Fax: +41 22 917 05 63

Recursos en línea

Un número de recursos en educación en reducción de desastres y de escuelas seguras están disponibles en línea.

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Emergency Management Australia
A comprehensive resource on emergency management for Australian students and teachers, from late primary to late secondary school with many generic lesson plans, images, history, links, and other information for learning about all aspects of emergency management
California Seismic Commission
The Commission investigates earthquakes, researches earthquake-related issues and reports, and recommends to the Governor and Legislature policies and programs needed to reduce earthquake risk.
New Zealand’s “What’s the Plan Stan?”
Earthquakes, floods, storms, tsumani, non-natural hazards, and volcanic eruptions can be frightening because they strike at any time and often without warning. This site teaches children to help their family develop a plan and reduce the risk of danger in the event of an emergency.

India’s National Disaster Management


Site du Réseau des Ambassadeurs (Environnement de travail)
Site de l'action Memo'Risks (Projet pédagogique) Portail éducatif francophone sur les risques naturels, le site est un espace de réflexion et d'échange sur les projets pluridisciplinaires en milieu scolaire (collèges et lycées) dans le domaine de la sensibilisation et la prévention des risques. Le site propose des ressources originales, recense et commente pour les élèves et les enseignants les liens Internet disponibles.

All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), India is a community based action research, action planning and action advocacy non-governmental organisation. It works towards bridging the gap between policy, practice, and research related to disaster mitigation, in an effort to link the community to the (inter)national level humanitarian scenario.
SEEDS is a non-governmental organization working in the area of disaster management in India and abroad. The organization carried out post-earthquake relief and rehabilitation operations in Gujarat, and is now focusing on preparedness programmes.
Proteccion Civil Infantil
Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (SINAPROC) es un grupo de personas que pertenecen tanto al sector público (dependencias de gobierno) como al sector privado que se ponen de acuerdo con las autoridades de los Estados para hacer planes y programas para proteger a los ciudadanos y a sus pertenencias de los peligros que representa un desastre.
  The Natural Hazards Project (NHP)

The NHP lends support to the member states of the OAS to assess their vulnerability to natural hazards and mitigate the effects of disasters. Its activities include technical assistance, training and technology transfer through intervention in development planning and project formulation. The NPH's Hemispheric Action Plan for Vulnerability Reduction in the Education Sector to Socio-Natural Disasters supports the design and implementation of activities that focus on the reduction of natural disaster vulnerability in the education sector. It has been designed for presentation to the government and non-governmental organizations of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency
CDERA's main function is to make an immediate and coordinated response to any disastrous event affecting any Participating State, once the state requests such assistance.
The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project
The Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP) is a coordinated effort to promote the adoption of natural hazard mitigation and preparedness practices by both the public and private sectors in the Caribbean region. The CDMP is funded by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and implemented by the Organization of American States/Unit of Sustainable Development and Environment (OAS/USDE) for the Caribbean Regional Program (USAID/CRP).
International Organizations and NGOs
  Search and Rescue Assistance during Disasters (SARAID)

S.A.R.A.I.D specialises in, many more lives, especially those of the children can be saved through proactive measures, by the introduction of better disaster resilient building design and construction methods and by the introduction of education awareness and practical reactive procedures within schools and the national curricula within disaster vulnerable communities and countries.
The Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies
The Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction
were developed with the participation of over 2,250 individuals from more than 50 countries and represent the first step toward ensuring that education initiatives in emergency situations lay a solid and sound foundation for post-conflict and disaster reconstruction. The INEE Minimum Standards was founded on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Dakar 2000 Education for All goals and the Sphere Project's Humanitarian Charter.
ActionAid International

ActionAid Interntional has combined forces to launch a project funded by DFID focused on schools in seven of the 49 countries where this NGO is active: Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, Haiti, Bangladesh, Nepal, and India.  This "Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools" project aims to involve students and teachers as well as community leaders, parents, and school administrators in assessing the safety of their schools and developing plans to make them safer. 
Save the Children Canada

Save the Children Canada supports efforts to promote long-term development after a crisis to empower families and communities to take part in reconstruction efforts, and to strengthen their capacity to meet their own needs and to protect their children
Plan-International assists people during the difficult times, providing and coordinating materials, skills and knowledge to help them to rebuild their lives. We work in partnership. Local people, parents and children, teach us how we can best provide meaningful support to them, focusing not just on their immediate needs, but also their future progression.
GeoHazards International
GeoHazards International has embarked on an international effort to develop an independent audit of school construction programs at the national level in member countries in an effort to raise building code standards and enforcement practices in OECD countries.
UN Centre for Regional Development Disaster Management Planning (UNCDR)

The UNCDR's School Earthquake Safety Initiative "Reducing Vulnerability of School Children to Earthquake" woks to ensure that school children living in seismic regions have earthquake safe schools and that local communities build capacities to cope with earthquake disasters.

UNICEF provides life-saving assistance to children affected by disasters, and protects their rights in any circumstances, no matter how difficult.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center  ADPC AUDMP

The Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP) is an eight-year program designed to respond to the need for safer cities. The ultimate goal of the program is to reduce the disaster vulnerability of urban populations, infrastructure, critical facilities, and shelter in targeted cities throughout Asia.
More on-line resources related to disaster risk education can be found here
Links to community-based investment in school safety