Former Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction - Functions and responsibilities - Membership - Working groups - Discussion groups -Meeting records
 Working Group:
Climate Change and
 Disaster Risk Reduction
Finished 2005
 Working Group:
Disaster Reduction
 in Africa
 Working Group:
 Working Group 3:
 Risk,  Vulnerability &
 Disaster  Impact
Finished 2003
 Working Group 1:
 Climate and Disasters
 Working Group 2:
 Early Warning
 Working Group 4:
 Wildland Fires; Wildland
 Fire Advisory Group
 (since 2004



Inter-Agency Task Force Working Groups 2004-2005

Three of the working groups (WG) established in 2000 - WG1 on Climate; WG2 on Early Warning; WG4 Wildland fire – came to a close in 2003, developing into other specific programmes or networks, which will continue to inform the Task Force on their progress.

WG3 on Risk, Vulnerability and Disaster Impact Assessment, chaired by UNDP, continues active throughout 2004 and will present its results in sessions at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, January 2005.

In addition, the Task Force appointed a limited number of new working groups, which will be functioning in 2004-2005: